Quinn (Part I)

I was looking in a mirror, combing my hair and thinking of Quinn, when the bedroom door opened and mom walked in.
“Turn that music down,” she said, then added in the same breath, “You’re not wearing that tonight, aren’t you?”
“Did you forget to knock my door, mom?” I said “And what’s wrong with what I’m wearing? Or the music?”
“They’re both morbid.” She replied, picking fluff from my jacket. “when I was 17, I played dance records and wore party clothes on a Saturday night.”
“Oh, come on, mom. That was a long time ago. And you know what? We are not going to a party.” I sat on the edge of my bed and put my shoes on. “We’re going to see a film. A film with this morbid music.”
“Sounds a bundle of laughs.” She commented, running her hand down the back of my head. “Who you going with?”
“Mom, don’t mess my hair up.” I complained, pulling away. “why do people have to keep touching?” I stood up. “How do I look?”
“Terrible. Like you’re going to a funeral. Why wear black all the time?”
“It makes my body looks better, my teeth whiter, and my skin brighter, an.. Oh yes! I like it! Next question.”
“Why’s the music so loud?”
“Oh, just listen to it, mom.” I turned the volume up even more as the chorus came in. “Isn’t that wonderful?”
Mom looked unconvinced. “What’s the film about?”
“Horror.” I replied. “About a beast. Hell, a huge hairy beast comes down to earth and kidnap a child or something. I bet it’s gonna be awesome.”
“How do you know? You haven’t even seen the film yet.”
“I just know.” I told her. “I’ve loved everything about monster or something like that so far. Just the title alone is magic: Creature Of The Night. What words! I can’t wait to see hat film.” I turned the music off, pushed past mom and out of the bedroom.
My older brother was in his room with his girlfriend. His door, as usual, was wide open. They were feeling eac other’s fingers.
“I’m going.” I said.
“Your music made the walls shake!” My brother shouted. “Why does the who;e house have to hear your shit?”
“Why do I have to see yours?” I yelled back. “You should close your door. Snogging in front of everyone. It’s disgusting!”
My brother was getting to his feet. Fist clenched. Eyes glaring.
“No fighting, kids.” Mom said, shutting his door. “Don’t start a fight. They’re in love.”
“He started it.” I insisted, going downstairs.
Mom followed, picking my jacket. “You got your inhaler?” She asked.
“There’s no room for my inhaler.” I replied. “It will ruin my style, and it makes my pocket bulge.”
“What if you have an asthma attack?”
“Then I’ll die.” I said, giving myself one last look in the hallway mirror. “At least, I’ll be dressed for it.”
“Don’t joke about things like tat. That’s not funny.” Mom warned, then added. “You still haven’t told me whoyou’re going with?”
“A girl.”
“What girl?”
“Oh, the one who’s been ringing so much. She sounds nice. I had a long chat with her.”
“When?” I demanded.
“When she phoned the other day.”
“What did you talk about?”
“What did you tell her?”
“What a loving little boy you were.”
“I don’t want her to know things about me. I ‘ve only known her for a month.” I said.
“I think she loves you.”
“Are you kidding? No way.” I kissed her on the cheek, and went outside. I saw dad was sitting in front of TV. He was asleep.
“Tell dad I said goodbye.”I said, opening the street door.
Quinn was in her red car. She had been there since  a couple minutes ago. She wound down her window and said hello. Not for me, but to my mom. I got in the car as quickly as possible and waved the cinema tickets in the air. “We’ll be late,” I warned. “The doors open at half past eight.”
“But the film won’t start until nine.” Quinn said.
“But I want to see tho trailers!”
Quinn looked up at mom, “Everything has to be done his way.” She said.
“Always been the same.” Mom told her.
“I admit it. I love my boyfriend just the way he is...”
“Hurry up!” I demanded.
The car pulled away.
“I wanted to talk to your mom.” Quinn moaned.
“Why?” I asked. “You’re going with me, not her. And don’t call me your boyfriend. I hate  all those labels and things.”
“What are you afraid of?”
“I’m not afraid of anything.” I calmed down a little. “I’m really looking forward to the film.”
“Yes, so am I.” Quinn said. “And now for the good news, mom and dad are out all night. You can spend all night not being my boyfriend if you like.”
“Fine,” I said. “just hope you’ve got some chocolate biscuits in the fridge, that’s all.”
“That’s all you want from me. Chocolate biscuits. Oh, and my car of course!”
We walked in to the theatre, Quinn held my arm. The poster image was huge above the cinema entrance. I had to stand there for a while, just staring. The crowd bustled round me. Quinn tugged at my sleeve. “We going in or what?” She asked/
“Just look at that!” I exclaimed. “What an image!”
“Forget the image!” She said. “I’m still trying to work out with the titles means.”
“It’s quite clear! Creature Of The Night!” I said.
“That’s what I mean. What kind of creature? The first thing that popped in my head was a vampire or zombie or what so ever! But, look at that poster! A hairy monster? Come on! It’s so classic!” She said.
“Ah, just forget it. Just watch the film, and you’ll know how cool it is!” I said. “What do you want? Soft drink?”
“I want some popcorn.” She replied
“Are you going to eat during the film? No way!”
“But I aways have some popcorn in the back row.”
“We’re not sitting in the back row.” I told her.
She stared at me. There were tears in her eyes now. I would have comforted her, but I could hear the trailers starting.
“Get your popcorn!”

To Be Continued...

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