"..What It Felt Like To Be a Celebrity.."

Hey there, Fellas!!

     Let's talk about SCHOOL! For me, students come from 4 primary types: Nerds, Jocks, Party Animals, and Brains! What about me? Ah, to be honest, I am a NERD! Yep, I am a skinny guy, with dark skin, wearing glasses, and loves book. To make it easier for you to imagine about me, you can see ARTIE from GLEE!

 Artie Abrams from GLEE.

Artie and his girlfriend, Brittany.

     Unfortunately for me, I don't have a great voice like his voice! And the worse is, I can't have any hot girlfriend like Artie's girlfriend, Brittany! But, the good news is, my feet still work well. okay, back to me. I still remember when I was in the junior high school. at that time library was just like an heaven for me. Yeah, when my friends were busy finding what they called "LOVE", I was busy with the old books that I found in my school library. Maybe that's the reason why it is hard for me to find a girlfriend now! Oh yeah, fellas! I'm a single! It's been almost one and a half year I don't have any girlfriend. Even sometimes I forget what it feels like to have a date on Saturday Night. You may say I'm pathetic. But you know what? I'm happy for being single! I am free, happy and still breathing even without what so called "LOVER"! For me, being single or in a relationship only a matter of STATUS! I don't even need a girlfriend to makes me laugh, because in fact, my friends can do that! I can die with a big laugh everyday with my friends. And maybe I wouldn't feel that thing if I had a girlfriend!

     Okay, back again to my junior high school. At that time, I had another 3 nerdy friends. We went to school together, went to library, discussed about anything, and did our homework together. See? Can't you imagine how "NOT COOL" I was? But it wasn't that bad actually. At least, twice a year we became the SCHOOL CELEBRITY! You know, at the end of every semester, when all of the students gathered together in the school hall to got announced about the best students who got the best scores. That was the moment when everyone were waiting for the coolest students with brainy brain! And that was ours! Yep, for the whole 3 years in junior high school, me and my friends always got that title, as the best students. Wasn't that cool? When our headmaster announced and asked us to came forward to the stage, that was so awesome! We turned every heads and they gave us applause! That was awesomely awesome! Well, at least I ever felt what it felt like to be a celebrity! I'm pretty sure that, that days were the best days in my whole entire life. But except those days, I was a so-very-extremely-ordinary NERD! I couldn't do any sports, I was so suck in art class, and there was no any girl stared at me when I was walking at the school corridor. Okay, I think that's enough for now. I'll post another story as soon as possible. See you, Fellas!

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