Quinn (Part I)

I was looking in a mirror, combing my hair and thinking of Quinn, when the bedroom door opened and mom walked in.
“Turn that music down,” she said, then added in the same breath, “You’re not wearing that tonight, aren’t you?”
“Did you forget to knock my door, mom?” I said “And what’s wrong with what I’m wearing? Or the music?”
“They’re both morbid.” She replied, picking fluff from my jacket. “when I was 17, I played dance records and wore party clothes on a Saturday night.”
“Oh, come on, mom. That was a long time ago. And you know what? We are not going to a party.” I sat on the edge of my bed and put my shoes on. “We’re going to see a film. A film with this morbid music.”
“Sounds a bundle of laughs.” She commented, running her hand down the back of my head. “Who you going with?”
“Mom, don’t mess my hair up.” I complained, pulling away. “why do people have to keep touching?” I stood up. “How do I look?”
“Terrible. Like you’re going to a funeral. Why wear black all the time?”
“It makes my body looks better, my teeth whiter, and my skin brighter, an.. Oh yes! I like it! Next question.”
“Why’s the music so loud?”
“Oh, just listen to it, mom.” I turned the volume up even more as the chorus came in. “Isn’t that wonderful?”
Mom looked unconvinced. “What’s the film about?”
“Horror.” I replied. “About a beast. Hell, a huge hairy beast comes down to earth and kidnap a child or something. I bet it’s gonna be awesome.”
“How do you know? You haven’t even seen the film yet.”
“I just know.” I told her. “I’ve loved everything about monster or something like that so far. Just the title alone is magic: Creature Of The Night. What words! I can’t wait to see hat film.” I turned the music off, pushed past mom and out of the bedroom.
My older brother was in his room with his girlfriend. His door, as usual, was wide open. They were feeling eac other’s fingers.
“I’m going.” I said.
“Your music made the walls shake!” My brother shouted. “Why does the who;e house have to hear your shit?”
“Why do I have to see yours?” I yelled back. “You should close your door. Snogging in front of everyone. It’s disgusting!”
My brother was getting to his feet. Fist clenched. Eyes glaring.
“No fighting, kids.” Mom said, shutting his door. “Don’t start a fight. They’re in love.”
“He started it.” I insisted, going downstairs.
Mom followed, picking my jacket. “You got your inhaler?” She asked.
“There’s no room for my inhaler.” I replied. “It will ruin my style, and it makes my pocket bulge.”
“What if you have an asthma attack?”
“Then I’ll die.” I said, giving myself one last look in the hallway mirror. “At least, I’ll be dressed for it.”
“Don’t joke about things like tat. That’s not funny.” Mom warned, then added. “You still haven’t told me whoyou’re going with?”
“A girl.”
“What girl?”
“Oh, the one who’s been ringing so much. She sounds nice. I had a long chat with her.”
“When?” I demanded.
“When she phoned the other day.”
“What did you talk about?”
“What did you tell her?”
“What a loving little boy you were.”
“I don’t want her to know things about me. I ‘ve only known her for a month.” I said.
“I think she loves you.”
“Are you kidding? No way.” I kissed her on the cheek, and went outside. I saw dad was sitting in front of TV. He was asleep.
“Tell dad I said goodbye.”I said, opening the street door.
Quinn was in her red car. She had been there since  a couple minutes ago. She wound down her window and said hello. Not for me, but to my mom. I got in the car as quickly as possible and waved the cinema tickets in the air. “We’ll be late,” I warned. “The doors open at half past eight.”
“But the film won’t start until nine.” Quinn said.
“But I want to see tho trailers!”
Quinn looked up at mom, “Everything has to be done his way.” She said.
“Always been the same.” Mom told her.
“I admit it. I love my boyfriend just the way he is...”
“Hurry up!” I demanded.
The car pulled away.
“I wanted to talk to your mom.” Quinn moaned.
“Why?” I asked. “You’re going with me, not her. And don’t call me your boyfriend. I hate  all those labels and things.”
“What are you afraid of?”
“I’m not afraid of anything.” I calmed down a little. “I’m really looking forward to the film.”
“Yes, so am I.” Quinn said. “And now for the good news, mom and dad are out all night. You can spend all night not being my boyfriend if you like.”
“Fine,” I said. “just hope you’ve got some chocolate biscuits in the fridge, that’s all.”
“That’s all you want from me. Chocolate biscuits. Oh, and my car of course!”
We walked in to the theatre, Quinn held my arm. The poster image was huge above the cinema entrance. I had to stand there for a while, just staring. The crowd bustled round me. Quinn tugged at my sleeve. “We going in or what?” She asked/
“Just look at that!” I exclaimed. “What an image!”
“Forget the image!” She said. “I’m still trying to work out with the titles means.”
“It’s quite clear! Creature Of The Night!” I said.
“That’s what I mean. What kind of creature? The first thing that popped in my head was a vampire or zombie or what so ever! But, look at that poster! A hairy monster? Come on! It’s so classic!” She said.
“Ah, just forget it. Just watch the film, and you’ll know how cool it is!” I said. “What do you want? Soft drink?”
“I want some popcorn.” She replied
“Are you going to eat during the film? No way!”
“But I aways have some popcorn in the back row.”
“We’re not sitting in the back row.” I told her.
She stared at me. There were tears in her eyes now. I would have comforted her, but I could hear the trailers starting.
“Get your popcorn!”

To Be Continued...

5 simple rules

God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

Disappointments are like road humps, they slow you down a bit but you enjoy the smooth road afterwards. Don't stay on the humps too long. Move on!

When you feel down because you didn't get what you want, just sit tight and be happy, because God is thinking of something better to give you.

When something happens to you, good or bad, consider what it means. There's a purpose to life's events, to teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard.

You can't make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the person to realize your worth.

The measure of love is when you love without measure. In life there are very rare chances that you'll meet the person you love and loves you in return. So once you have it don't ever let go, the chance might never come your way again.

It's better to lose your pride to the one you love, than to lose the one you love because of pride.

We spend too much time looking for the right person to love or finding fault with those we already love, when instead we should be perfecting the love we give.

When you truly care for someone, you don't look for faults, you don't look for answers, you don't look for mistakes. Instead, you fight the mistakes, you accept the faults, and you overlook the excuses.

Never abandon an old friend. You will never find one who can take his place. Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older.

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:

1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

No one can go back and make a brand new start. Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

Being Strict or Lenient with Children

     Every parents have their own styles to treat their children. They can be strict parents or lenient parents. These two ways are different in cause, method, and effect to the children. Strict is one of parenting styles in which parents have too much controls over or demands on their children. The cause of this kind of parenting style is maybe because of the cultural traditions of parents. Parents grew up in a family with a high discipline style. For example, a dad who came from a military style with a high discipline lifestyles will treat his children with the same way like the way how his father used to treat him when he was young. The method that strict parents usually use is set too many rules. They set a lot of rules about personal issues. For example, a strict dad pushes his son to join the army and bans his son to join the school band. Strict parents will never listen to their children, because they always think that whatever they do is right and there is no exception about it. This parenting style will give some bad effects to the children, especially their behavior. Basically, there are two possibilities about the behavior of the children who have strict parents. They will be coward or rude. The children who develop rudeness will behave in the rough manner and they will forget about humanity when they feel tensed. If this behavior is developed within them, then it cannot be changed easily.

    On the other hand, lenient is a parenting style in which parents have few controls over or demands on their children. The cause of this kind of parenting style is  maybe because of the parents’ trauma of their childhood. Lenient parents are usually the children of strict parents. When they were young, they felt uncomfortable with how their parents treated them. They felt that they couldn’t be someone they wanted to be, if their parents involved too much in their own life. So, because of it, the lenient parents do not want to make the same mistake like what their parents did in the past. They will let their children do whatever their children want to do without any behavioral expectations for them. These parents are more concerned with being friends for their children. They afraid that the children will rebel against them if they are too hard on them. This kind of parenting style will give some bad effects. The children who have lenient parents are more likely to be impulsive and they can become a drug user or alcoholic. It is because they know that they will not be punished if they get caught. The worse is, they will have unrealistic self-esteem and always blame others for their own mistakes. When it comes to the effects, being strict can be a better choice for parents. They can control their children’s life, so their children will not be a drug user or alcoholic.

A story of miracle Baby Eliot, that will change your life !!

Have you ever watched Oprah Show? To be honest, I'm one of her big fan! And there was a topic that I always remember from this show. The topic was Miracle Children. That day I saw the most unbelievably moving video. It is a true life video about a little boy with the Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18) – which has some similarities to the Down Syndrome. This motivational video shows how Eliot Hartman Mooney survives each day, bravely defying the virtually insurmountable odds stacked against him. Every day this boy survives is a miracle. Instead of his parents grieving for what they knew would be the inevitable death of their son due to his severe health problems they instead documented each day of his survival. 

Here is the video: A story of miracle Baby Eliot, that will change your life!! This is a very wonderful story what I have seen so far. And it is really heart touching and definitely I will show this video to so many people because this is one of the best motivational story.

This is what Eliot's Dad said in the video:

Dear Eliot,
Right now, You are two months from being born we just find out that you have trisomy 18 also called Edward syndrome Doctor says that you won't make it to birth Your mom and I are praying against that we're praying of healing we're praying for nothing less than a miracle

You are first child and the day of your birth couldn't come sooner

Dear Eliot,
you are born today weighing only 6 pounds You are already a miracle to us your mom is doing well It looks like we'll behanging out here at the hospital a little longer

Dear Eliot,
today you turn 11 days old we are so proud of you today we celebrated you 11th birthday in fact, we do that everyday at 4.59 the time you were born

Dear Eliot,
We've been home for a week now So that's why you don't see your nurses anymore it's great to have you home Today we will pack up everything and take our first picture out for coffee

Dear Eliot,
i don't know of you've noticed but your connected with some tubes but doctor says that we have to keep this in so that you could get some oxygen to breathe You also fed from a feeding tube We feed you every three hours and it takes an hour and a half to do it We've loved learning how the best to take care of you we love it

Lot's of people email, call and send cards of your behalf you are well loved

it's eleven at night right now, and my feeding shift has just begun mom is asleep and the best part of my day has begun. My shift ends around 4.45 am, when your mom takes over. She cherishes her morning with her boy

Today, you turned 1 month old I didn't know if I've ever get to say that to top of the day 20 friends showed up at the door for true birthday surprise party for you. They sang, wrap balloons, and a birthday cake it was a beautiful chaos

At 2 am this morning, your feeding tube came out we've been warned this may happen eventually we quickly realized that we didn't have the stethoscope, which is necessary to replace the tube since our neighbor is nurse, I went ahead and knocked on their door at 2.30 am. They found their stethoscope, and your mom went to it after much wrestling, praying and your tears the tube was down, and you are able to feed just so you know, your mom is my hero

Dear Eliot,
you're now weight 7 pounds and 3 ounces You're growing and your food has been pumped up because of your good appetite You continue to find new ways to steal our hearts

Dear Eliot,
this day marks marks two months of your life Your mom and i were so thankful that we know you we know your face, your noises, we know that bath time and massage are your favorite daily activity

You finally learn how to suck your thumb by yourself because of trisomy 18, you were born with clinch fist being able to do this is actually quiet difficult way to go son...

Dear Eliot,
We celebrate your birthday everyday with a picture lately, we tried a little bit more creative

Dear Eliot,
I realized you get can frustrated with your tubes and your frequent congestion please know that your mom and I, were doing everything to make you comfortable

Dear Eliot,
well you tipped the scales today at 8 pounds 14 ounces quite an accomplishments you have also manage to grow up pretty decent molly

Dear Eliot,
we all got to go to a reunion at the hospital
I've never seen your mom more happy the joy she felt getting to show off her son can't be described in words in fact, she can paired it to the way a mother would feel when their sons become presidents, went to heissman and develops a cure for the cancer the logics of medicine says that you shouldn't be alive but you are...
you are such a fighter...

Dear Eliot,
you've know passed the 3 month mark
You also got your first quartless pictures taken today
no feeding tube, oxygen or stickers this was no small accomplishments,
but we got it done
have i told you lately that we are so proud of you

Dear Eliot,
today you went to be with Jesus
not a pull pit, not a slide presentation, not a best selling book but a six pound boy with trisomy 18 God found great pleasure to get a lowie thing to the eyes of the world and show truth

At your funeral, we release 99 balloons each balloon representing the day of your life How beautiful it was to watch how quickly they were gone and so today, we celebrate

Eliot you are well and although we miss you more than we could express we're only separated from you by our time left on earth see you soon son

Mom & Dad


Last, I will share the words of Eliot parents at his funeral that day has always been an inspiration for me. I thicken the words that became my favorite. I hope these words can also inspire you.

Ginny and I, and many of our friends and family, gathered Monday to celebrate Eliot’s life. It was perfect. Following a song entitled, “Everything’s Alright”, I struggled through the following:
“‘Everything’s Alright’…not your ordinary funeral song, and ‘Don’t wear black’ are not your ordinary funeral instructions. But Eliot was no ordinary boy. His life was extraordinary.
A dad speaking at his son’s funeral is probably a little strange as well. But Eliot’s is a story I must tell. Ginny and I have things to say, and I’m going to try to say them today. We also have a saying as of late which is “go ahead & cry. We do”
But, if at all possible, hold it in for the next couple of minutes, or I’ll probably lose it with you. I have a tag team partner on board so I can tap out at any moment. With that said, I apologize for reading. My communications teacher would be disappointed. But I am just gonna try to make it through.
I want to thank you all for being here today. Ginny & I wish we could personally sat down with each one of you and express how much your actions have made our burden lighter.
Thanks for making a call when it had to be awkward for you do so. Thanks for letters & birthday cards for Eliot. Thanks for feeding us, when food was the last thing on our mind. Thanks for surprise one month birthday parties & blog posts & law school softball tournaments for Eliot. Thank you- family- for your love and support. Thank you Josh, Becky, Heather & Paul for walking through this with us.
Thank you all for joining us today to celebrate the life of a special boy who impacted so many.
We view today as a celebration. We celebrate the greatest gift the Lord has ever given us. In Eliot, we enjoyed so much. We loved so much. We learned so much.
Although, Ginny and I had seats near the front of the class, you all joined in on the lessons & the classroom kept expanding to include people we had never even met. We all sat in awe as God, Himself, took a sick little boy and pulled back the veil to reveal lessons about Himself.
An underdeveloped lung. A heart with a hole in it. And DNA that placed faulty information into each and every cell of Eliot’s body – could not stop the living God from screaming of Himself through a child who never uttered a word. To an outsider it may seem nothing short of foolish to credit all this teaching to Eliot, but
I Corinthians says that…”the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
It goes on to say that God’s wisdom is unlike ours and his tools are not what we would imagine. His tools are not the ones we would craft.
Not a pulpit. Not a slick presentation. Not a bestselling book. But a 6lb. boy with Trisomy 18. God found great pleasure to take a lowly thing in the eyes of the world and show Truth.
Every aspect of Eliot’s life was a paradox. Because I hate it when people use words that I do not understand- let me define.
A paradox is defined as
“a seemingly absurd or contradictory proposition that upon investigation proves to be true”
Truly, all of Christianity is a paradox. G.K. Chesterton writes that, “Christianity is a superhuman paradox whereby two opposite passions may blaze beside each other”.
Our God teaches us that:
To become greatest I must become least.
That as a believer, I have total freedom & yet strive not to sin.
And ultimately, that I find life – in none other than the death of man named Jesus.
Through Eliot we experienced the paradox of joy and pain ablaze side by side.
Truly, the Lord did not ask us to take a path which He had not already traveled on our behalf. Although we did not willingly give up Eliot , his life & death have given new meaning to the sacrifice the Father made when He gave His only Son unto death, that we could have life.
And so today, we celebrate. Eliot is well. And, although we miss him more than we can express, we are only separated from him by our time left on earth. We anxiously wait to join Him in worshiping the Lord.
So today we propose a new standard.
How do you measure a life? By years? By esteem? By productivity?
Eliot Hartman Mooney
99 days, 98 birthday parties (& today makes 99)
18 nurses
17, 557 visits to his website
0 minutes unattended
Although these statistics are fun. They all fall woefully short of a metric whereby to judge Eliot’s life. We propose that Eliot’s life be measured by impact.
Thus, truly his was a full life.
We encourage you today to not forget Eliot. To not forget whatever his sweet life taught you. Please go & do that which has been stirred in you through his life. And we look forward to hearing of the ripples he has made in eternity.
Finally, when you arrived you were handed a flower. We believe that Eliot’s life is best understood when pictured much like the flower you hold.
A flower is picked to be enjoyed. Sweet to smell & viewed by all.
When your flower was picked, a process began whereby the flower’s life will end. But this is not the way we view a flower. We just enjoy it. We take it in.

So the next time you feel the urge to complain or grumble or say an unkind word, spare a thought for little Eliot, the miracle baby boy.  This baby has taught us how to live each day to the fullest. God bless!

source: http://mattandginny.blogspot.com/2006/11/celebration-of-life.html

Remembering My Dad - Bob Stoess

Dad was a simple man; knowing God was his greatest love,
each night, you would find him, seeking power from above.
He was thankful for his many blessings, as they came his way,
he found comfort in knowing Him, and did his best every day.

I remember his hands, folded, humbly in prayer,
or reaching out to someone, when he saw a need of care.
He had a warm personality, to go with a great attitude,
and, I never heard him preaching, from some inherent platitude.

Yes, he had loving hands; to hold Mom real tight,
or to pat us kids on the back, when we did things right.
He could be tough as nails, whenever I did something bad,
then, sit me down and build me back up, never leaving me sad.

Dad worked hard, with his hands and big heart,
to impart to us all that he could, in giving us a good start.
He was always busy, but he took his time with each kid,
praying for us, meeting our needs, helping us in all that we did.

He was never boastful; the quiet type it was plain to see,
no marching bands, no media hype, but a blessing God sent to me.
With gentle strength and caring love, lessons learned long ago,
encouraging all of his children, never bruising a tender ego.

He was a source of strength, a teacher, and my guide,
the one the family looked up to, with loving trust, and pride.
He was truly a helper, always there, with a willing hand to lend,
my partner, my counselor, my mentor, and truly my best friend.

Dad you have a place of honor, deep within my being,
you've always been my hero, encouraging me in what I was doing.
I learned from you what integrity meant; values, worth, and merit,
teaching me to know that I'm capable, when I needed a motivating spirit.

Without you Dad, I wouldn't be the man I am today;
you built within me a foundation, no one can take away.
I've grown up with your values, I'm so very glad I did,
so, here's to you, dear Dad, from your eternally grateful kid.

"..What It Felt Like To Be a Celebrity.."

Hey there, Fellas!!

     Let's talk about SCHOOL! For me, students come from 4 primary types: Nerds, Jocks, Party Animals, and Brains! What about me? Ah, to be honest, I am a NERD! Yep, I am a skinny guy, with dark skin, wearing glasses, and loves book. To make it easier for you to imagine about me, you can see ARTIE from GLEE!

 Artie Abrams from GLEE.

Artie and his girlfriend, Brittany.

     Unfortunately for me, I don't have a great voice like his voice! And the worse is, I can't have any hot girlfriend like Artie's girlfriend, Brittany! But, the good news is, my feet still work well. okay, back to me. I still remember when I was in the junior high school. at that time library was just like an heaven for me. Yeah, when my friends were busy finding what they called "LOVE", I was busy with the old books that I found in my school library. Maybe that's the reason why it is hard for me to find a girlfriend now! Oh yeah, fellas! I'm a single! It's been almost one and a half year I don't have any girlfriend. Even sometimes I forget what it feels like to have a date on Saturday Night. You may say I'm pathetic. But you know what? I'm happy for being single! I am free, happy and still breathing even without what so called "LOVER"! For me, being single or in a relationship only a matter of STATUS! I don't even need a girlfriend to makes me laugh, because in fact, my friends can do that! I can die with a big laugh everyday with my friends. And maybe I wouldn't feel that thing if I had a girlfriend!

     Okay, back again to my junior high school. At that time, I had another 3 nerdy friends. We went to school together, went to library, discussed about anything, and did our homework together. See? Can't you imagine how "NOT COOL" I was? But it wasn't that bad actually. At least, twice a year we became the SCHOOL CELEBRITY! You know, at the end of every semester, when all of the students gathered together in the school hall to got announced about the best students who got the best scores. That was the moment when everyone were waiting for the coolest students with brainy brain! And that was ours! Yep, for the whole 3 years in junior high school, me and my friends always got that title, as the best students. Wasn't that cool? When our headmaster announced and asked us to came forward to the stage, that was so awesome! We turned every heads and they gave us applause! That was awesomely awesome! Well, at least I ever felt what it felt like to be a celebrity! I'm pretty sure that, that days were the best days in my whole entire life. But except those days, I was a so-very-extremely-ordinary NERD! I couldn't do any sports, I was so suck in art class, and there was no any girl stared at me when I was walking at the school corridor. Okay, I think that's enough for now. I'll post another story as soon as possible. See you, Fellas!


Okay, let me make a confession! I AM A GLEE FAN! Yep, I love this TV Show and I always watch it (From Season 1 until Season 3).Well for you guys who don't know what is GLEE (c'mon, dude! you're so out-of-date), I'll tell you a little bit about it. Glee is an American musical comedy-drama television series.It focuses on the high school glee club "New Directions" competing on the show choir competition circuit, while its members deal with relationships, sexuality and social issues.(for the rest, you can use GOOGLE!) And you know what? I’m doing a character study on one of the main reasons I enjoyed Glee: Quinn Fabray.

Quinn, hands down, was my favorite character last season. I know she’s an unusual choice. Many people hate Quinn with a passion and think she’s utterly useless. I can’t blame them, or you, if you’re one of them, for thinking that. It’s certainly a valid stance to take on this girl who’s done plenty of selfish, mean things during the last two years. Yet watching the most popular girl in the school come to terms with having a baby made me love her more!. It helps that Dianna Agron is the most beautiful crier on the show.

now you can see how beautiful she is, right?

To see her whole world fall apart, and the utter lack of support she had from her parents, fascinated me, especially because she’d been set up as the villain of the show due to her bitchy attitude as head cheerleader and her role as Finn’s girlfriend, and thus, as Rachel’s biggest foe.

Quinn and her first boyfriend, Finn

Quinn and 'her-baby-daddy', Puck

Quinn and her new boyfriend, Sam

Her pregnancy and the profound effect it had on her, Finn, and ultimately Puck, was a great storyline. We saw her learn to accept that she was growing a child and that doing that had to take priority over her previous big goal—maintaining her popularity at all costs. As Sue said early on, Quinn Fabray was like a young Sue Sylvester in the way she played to win. She spied on the glee club with gusto in order to hang onto Finn, and she didn’t care if she ruined the club in the meantime. She made fun of the others mercilessly and relished her place at the top of the cafeteria food chain. That didn’t instantly go away when she got pregnant; in some ways, it got worse. She lied to Finn that he was the father because she didn’t think Puck ranked high enough as baby daddy material, even when she had no plans to keep the baby. That—that was cruel, and she chose to do it more than once, having wavered for a brief time when she entertained the idea of a relationship with Puck only to ultimately choose to keep chaining Finn to her, instead. When Finn found out the truth, she was desperate, wrecked, and begged as her last tie to her former life walked out the choir room door.At the end of the Season 1, you can see how mature she was when handling giving Beth up in the finale. Quinn Fabray had just had the most defining moment of her life to that point, and she handled it with grace.

 Quinn and her baby, Beth

And then Season 2 came along. The better Quinn, the Quinn who had learned things about herself and others and lived a year of pain from a mistake while drunk on wine coolers and feeling fat, was still there, but she started the season by revealing to Coach Sylvester that her friend, Santana, had breast implants placed, assuring that Quinn got her spot back as Head Cheerio. She cared about her glee club friends, but as time passed, her loyalty to them became strained as her singular quest to reclaim her popularity, culminating in a crowning as junior prom queen, took over her thoughts. I realized how far she’d regressed when she started cheating with Finn so easily behind Sam’s back.

And for the rest episodes. as I said earlier; you can GOOGLE it, dude! But wait up! Do you want to know what do I want for Quinn? I just want to see more Quinn's performace on GLEE! that's all!

Mission Impossible 4 : Tom Cruise Runs Fast as Hell

I saw Mission Impossible 4 and it was awesome. fasted 2 hours of my life, which made me feel a lot older when I walked out of the theater. 

I can't get the image of Tom Cruise sprinting out of my head.

He runs fast as hell, and in the same way in every movie. But you don't hear that criticized. You usually say, so and so acts the same in every movie. But you never hear so and so sprints the same way in every movie.

But that's what I love about Tom Cruise.  

If you run in such an idealized and perfect form, then you automatically earned the essential right to run the same every time. No matter what role Tom Cruise plays, when he runs, it's his essential alter ego that lives through all of us that does the running.

Tom Cruise is the fastest man in Hollywood. It's weird and surreal to see such a man with status like that sprint so fast.
 I can imagine his mother going: Tom, you are a good looking boy, be a model and an actor. And then he goes No! mom, I want to be a professional sprinter! And then his dad goes, OK Tom, you can sprint in Hollywood. 

I am going to have a dream tonight:

It's the Olympics. 100 meter dash is on. A black man beats all other black men by .1 second and I said, there we go again. And then still crossing the finish line, he rips of his face mask and then it is Tom Cruise inside! The Mission Impossible Theme comes on and washes through the stadium, as he receives a gold Academy Award statuette for winning the race.